Adult Vacation Bible School LessonAdministrator Jun 24, 20241 min readUpdated: Jun 25, 2024Lesson Title: Trading Rejection for RoyaltyBible Basis: Genesis 41Full Lesson HERE
Lesson 275: David and GoliathI Sam. 17 Full Lesson HERE INTRODUCTION. David first gained his reputation as a warrior during his contest with the Philistine giant...
Lesson 274: David Anointed KingI Sam. 16 Full Lesson HERE INTRODUCTION. Because Saul disobeyed God in his expedition against the Amalekites by sparing Agag, the king,...
Lesson 273: Saul Disobeys GodI Sam. 15 Full Lesson HERE INTRODUCTION. Saul's first battle with the Philistines took place following his defeat of the Ammonites at...