Lesson 128: Two Blind Men, A Mute DemoniacAdministrator Mar 22, 20221 min readUpdated: Mar 28, 2022Click HERE to download the lessonINTRODUCTION. The setting for this story is Capernaum. Jesus restored sight to two blind men then cast out a devil from a man who was mute, enabling him to speak.
Click HERE to download the lessonINTRODUCTION. The setting for this story is Capernaum. Jesus restored sight to two blind men then cast out a devil from a man who was mute, enabling him to speak.
Lesson 275: David and GoliathI Sam. 17 Full Lesson HERE INTRODUCTION. David first gained his reputation as a warrior during his contest with the Philistine giant...
Lesson 274: David Anointed KingI Sam. 16 Full Lesson HERE INTRODUCTION. Because Saul disobeyed God in his expedition against the Amalekites by sparing Agag, the king,...
Lesson 273: Saul Disobeys GodI Sam. 15 Full Lesson HERE INTRODUCTION. Saul's first battle with the Philistines took place following his defeat of the Ammonites at...