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Writer's picture: Administrator Administrator

Updated: Dec 1, 2022


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INTRODUCTION. Late Thursday night following the Passover Feast as the sixth day continued, Jesus and his disciples (minus Judas) sang a hymn, then left the city of Jerusalem. They passed over the Brook Kidron and continued on to the Garden of Gethsemane. Here Jesus admonished his disciples to watch and pray while He sought comfort and aid from his Father in heaven. Judas, who knew where to find Jesus, brought with him to the garden a band of Roman soldiers, and officers from the chief priests, Pharisees, scribes, and elders. With a kiss, Judas identified Jesus to the band of men who then arrested Jesus. Jesus was first taken to the house of Annas, father-in-law of Caiaphas the high priest. Jesus was questioned by Annas, and it was possibly at his house that Peter three times denied knowing Jesus.

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