Josh. 7; 8:1-29
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INTRODUCTION. The city of Jericho, the first city in the land of Canaan captured by the Israelites, was to be completely devoted to God. The people were not allowed to keep for themselves any of the spoil (plunder, loot, valuables) found in the city. The unusual method used for the capture was designed by God to test the faith, obedience, and patience of the people. Their success upon following God's instructions would encourage them in the difficulties they faced as they continued their invasion of Canaan, because they would know God fought for them at Jericho.
The next objective for the Israelites was Ai in central Canaan. The site of this ancient city is uncertain but it was east of Bethel (Gen. 12:8; Josh. 7:2), and archaeological digs in the area are attempting to determine its exact location. Joshua sent spies to search the area, and when they returned, they said the city was small and could easily be conquered. Joshua, therefore, sent 3000 soldiers to attack, but they were defeated soundly leaving thirty-six of their number dead.
When Joshua prayed to the Lord in great distress, the Lord informed him there was sin in the camp. Someone had stolen some valuables from the city of Jericho contrary to God's command. When the sinner was identified and punished, then Joshua sent 30,000 soldiers to Ai who captured the city by an ambush.